Friends of Warriparinga

Who we are
Getting Involved

Who are the

Friends of Warriparinga?

A group of volunteers dedicated to the conservation of Warriparinga. This is a unique environmental and community resource nestled in the southern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia. Here, some thirty years ago, bulldozers cleared a long stretch of vegetation alongside the River Sturt, displacing birds and creating concern about the stability of the river bank. The local community became actively involved in preserving this open space site, and Friends of Warriparinga, originally known as Friends of Laffer’s Triangle, was born. We are an Incorporated Association.

Warriparinga Wetlands

Warriparinga Wetlands was opened in 1998. Many people assume that this is the site where we volunteer, but our focus has been on restoring the western bank of the river and, more recently, the eastern bank behind Fairford House.  



Working together

Over the past few years we have been able to forge close relationships with the City of Marion (the local Council) and the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre (established in 2002) to work in the best interests of Warriparinga.

We also, over many years, helped Darlington Primary School students to conserve a patch of land and learn about the environment.

We have worked with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport in efforts to mitigate the effects of transport development on the site.

We remain grateful to the University of South Australia (SOCE program) for helping to set up and host our original website. We were pleased to access the services of Lilly Jones in setting up the present site.

Congratulations to Bruce Wilson!

In the Australia Day Honours, 2020, our long-serving Chair Bruce Wilson was awarded the OAM for services to conservation and the environment.

This follows from Bruce winning Conservation SA’s Unsung Hero Award in 2017 in recognition of his leadership and sustained contribution to the environment.

Nele Findlay

The high standard of conservation and restoration of the vegetation alongside the River Sturt at Warriparinga is due to the expertise and boundless energy of botanist Dr Nele Findlay. She advised and mentored our members for over twenty years, as well as personally putting in countless hours of work at the site. She is sorely missed.

Botanist Dr. Nele Findlay (1933-2013)

© Friends of Warriparinga

Website design by Lil Media Co. 2021

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